
The Joke's on You

For some reason we are much funnier when the Yankees are losing. We've been envisioning a post a la Seth Meyers' "REALLY?" bit from SNL asking the Yanks what they are thinking with Berroa on the roster. I mean really. But it doesn't really matter if Berroa comes in for Lexi in the 8th when we're winning 12-3. As far as we're concerned, Berroa can play every position when we're winning by 9.

For a few years now the Yanks have been the butt of every joke imaginable. A-Roid/ A-Fraud, Torre hating on his old players, the alleged broken curse (which we agree was Red Laundry just being bad for 86 years), paying big bucks for players who don't perform, and more recently, stealing taxpayer's money to build a stadium that they didn't need. But we haven't really heard these jokes lately, have we?

Apparently the joke now, is on the rest of baseball. We don't believe in curses or superstition, and while it's only been whispered so far, the way the Yankees are playing, no one would be surprised to see them win their 27th championship. Yeah, we said it. And everyone is thinking it now, so there isn't much to be said, is there? Got Jokes? No, but we've Got Melk.

Red Laundry has gotten a lot of people on their bandwagon lately, but they really are just the Susan Lucci of baseball. The woman was nominated 21 times for an Emmy. She was the talk of the Soap Opera world for 20 years. When was she going to win? She's got all the right stuff. Then something crazy happened, she actually won. There was buzz, and people got over it. To be fair Red Laundry won twice. But does anyone really care if they win anymore? Not really. Red Laundry is Twitter, and the Yankees are Facebook. It's new and exciting, all the celebs are on board, but in the end, it's never going to be cooler than Facebook. It doesn't have the history or the money that Facebook has. Papi Grande ain't got nothing on The Great Bambino.

Suddenly Torre is wishing the Yankees nothing but luck. We love Torre- love. You are a Yankees icon. But we read the book. Ouch, Joe. We agree that Lexi is fun to pick on, but give us a break. It was all fun and games out there in LALAland with your cool new car commercials and no rain delays until your old team realized it didn't need you. Now you're up late with Nam-like dreams of Melky in the bottom of the 9th. Do you think he'll still be wishing us nothing but the best when we have a better record than the Dodgers? We don't think so.

We haven't heard anyone complaining about how much we paid for Lexi anymore. We guess when you have almost as many RBIs as games you've played in and are hitting a home run at least once every 4 games, people start to think maybe you are worth $275 mill. We haven't heard too much complaining that he hasn't cashed in on his many bases loaded at-bats recently (but seriously, we wouldn't be upset with a GS this week). And Manny Being Banny has definitely shut people up on the steroid front. Does anyone even know that Lexi is dating Kate Hudson? Sure they do. Does anyone care? No, cause he's playing good baseball and everyone knows it. We haven't seen a purse on his arm in quite awhile and frankly we think it's going to remain that way.

So, maybe there is nothing funny about the Yankees these days. And that's a-OK with us.

1 comment:

  1. So true. Nothing but crickets from the old faithful-s*it givers.

    We have cartons and cartons of Got Melk. I personally would like to have lunch with melky. His translator might have to come along. Although my spanish is pretty good. Tiene leche?

