
Guess Who's Back, Back Again

We haven't become Mets' fans, don't worry. There's just been a lot going on. Between the passing of Michael Jackson, goodbye parties and getting out of the city here and there, we've been a little preoccupied. Can't say it won't happen again but we will double down on the rest of the season. We also preferred returning as we tied up the AL East rather than on the heels of an Angels sweep. 3 games back at the AllStar break - things could have been worse. About a month ago, many of our baseball enimies said we'd be seven or eight games back at the break. Bets were proposed. We should have taken them. We could really use that money for Stadium beers. Alas, its all tie with a pie. We thrashed the Tigers, locked in four straight W's since the break and will most likely handily tackle Baltimore. Interesting that the Sox beating us eight times still hasn't done much in their quest for the Pennant. Hasn't pushed us down. If anything, it makes us wonder where we'd be if we won half those games. We wear embarrassment like Armani. We squeeze lemons into blue moon. We keep winning games. We're 18 games over .500. We haven't tasted a record like this since the final days of the 2007 season. Just the kind of fire we wanna get cooking as the Pennant race heats up. Sabathia would like a marshmellow with that. Since we not-so-subtly-missed the halfway point of the season, it's about time to give out a few token awards.

Hottest -ass-while-dishing-out-a-season-high-eight-strikeouts (nice cutter): Andy Pettitte

Clutchest Performance-despite-having-to-save-Papelbon (blech): Mo during the ALLSTAR game. Enter Sandman, exit AL victory. No sweat. Just like Obama.

Most Homers Hit While Being Distracted by Kate Hudson : take a guess.

Best-reaction-yet-to-a-pie-in-the-face: Godzilla.

Hottest BallPark during a monsoon filled Summer: New Yankee Stadium as our boys have won the last 24 out of 33 at home.

And finally....last but not least...The "Even Though His Numbers Are Slipping if you Trade Him We will Burst into Yankee Management Offices with Torches" Award: Melky 'tiene leche?' Cabrera. Seriously, higher ups. Do NOT touch him. Paws off.

The point is. We're back. We're better than ever. We're going to the game tonight (we've adopted a strict no rainout policy so bring your waterwings, O's). And its time to get down to business. Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can't lose.

It ain't over till October.

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