
Yanks Gonna Run This Town Tonight (better lyrics than Z100)

winning games with pies and flair/try and stump cc if you dare/gonna light up pedro too/oh tex you are way more than due/lexi doesnt know how to get cold/phillies as the world champs is already old/it's time to play our own home run bronx derby/the swish-hawk is back so we're not nervy/the only thing that's on our minds/jetahhhhhh + yanks gonna run this town tonight.

more stanza's to come. 123 minutes until our CC throws out the first pitch. Can you feel it in the air? Nauseua/Excitement. We're back, baby.


CC Me Roar :: Domination in the ALCS

Taking nothing away from Saturday night's dramatic extra inning win, we're going back to Game 1 to bestow our hefty lefty with some serious prise for his performance. "CC was the cold" on Friday night, and that's a halos quote. He never faltered, throwing 97 in the 8th inning and making arguably the best throw we've ever seen a pitcher make, bare-handed, in 27 degree weather with wind chill, to Tex (who did a split) for the out. Hats (not off), but -cocked-to-the-side for our boy. He's starting Game 4 on short rest, and we couldn't feel more secure in his hands. In CC we trust. Do. we. ever.

A-Rod: You're no Jeter, but we're warming up to you. Is that directly related to your recent post -season success? Absolutely. We don't wanna get tropical drinks with you and Kate in Miami, but you're contributing where it counts and if this continues, no one will remember 'MIA-Rod' and we probably won't hate you. No matter what anyone can say, you've made a steep climb back from hell. That is no small feat. Assuming we get there, let's hope your November is just as good as your October.

New York was alive this weekend. Even Mets fans seemed happy for us (most likely on account of the increasing liklihood of a Yanks-Phillies World Series unless we collapse or the Dodgers pull their heads out their asses and make it a series). To carry the pie-in-the-face, walk off-spirit into the postseason is more than any fan could ask for. Especially when both games were in danger of getting rained out. We're hearing a lot of whining about the weather conditions for the Angels. It's not like it was a cake walk for us either (maybe a pie walk). The point is, the conditions were rough on both parties, but the only real rain spotted was on the Angel's parade. If Johnny was connecting on catches in the outfield, it can't be that hard. Did the Rally Monkey not make the flight?

We won't get too cocky or complacent, the only C's we need are the one's we got. Let's storm Anaheim like it's Game 1 and set up CC for the knockout punch.

Thanks for a great weekend of baseball, boys. Let's go get it.


We Can Rally in the Rain and We Don't Need a Monkey to Prove It

It's miserable weather in New York. Not a problem. Whether Game 1 is delayed, post-poned or played on a floating stadium in the Hudson, we are ready. CC has goggles. A quick little rundown in honor of our first ALCS since 2004.

Things We Know (besides Twins, check!)

1. This is not ALCS Weather, but it is Yankee Weather (according to baseball's Al Roker, Jorge Posada).

2. We are playing Red, but not the Red we may have wanted. (foreshadowing much?)

3. CC pounds the strike zone.

4. This is a different A-Rod (we won't say we told you so, but we told you so #4)

Things We Don't Know

1. If we'll play tonight. At 7:57 pm.

2. If we'll play tomorrow. At all.

3. How the Angels lineup will match up with us in the post-season.

4. If the new and improved clutch Rod will show up with waterwings.

Things We Believe In

1. Rallying. And not the kind that is sponsored by a fake monkey*

2. Not so much our lineup, but our team chemistry.

3. Carsten Charles Sabathia.

4. Revenge for 2002 and 2005 (and emotionally, 2004).

*Baseball is a sport. Sports are about what you produce on the field. Rallying is what you do when you are down, but you are not out. It's about risk. It's about the swing, it's about the base-running, it's about bottom of the 9th inning runs. It's about the crowd going wild because you never said die. It's not about flair, towels or stuffed animals. You may have a rally monkey, Angels, but our middle name has been rally for the entire 2009 season. We walk off like it's our job. Put your monkeys away. They don't like the rain. This is New York.

This has been an official message from 2GirlsLeftonBase, Inc.


Fire It Up

We don't know who we're playing. We don't know which Joba will show up if he comes out of the bullpen. We're not even sure he'll be in the bullpen. We don't know what CC will have for dinner tonight. But, we do know that the ALDS elmblem is on the field and that makes us giddy and nauseus. We do know that we're playing someone in Game 1 tomorrow at 6:07 EST. Here are some final words before this crazy city we call home is taken over by postseason baseball.

1. Substantial piece on Jeter by Will Leitch in this week's NY mag. Whatever you want to say about Jeter, this man epitomizes class and this article is very telling.

2. We don't give two hoots how CC pitched in his final game. The Devil Rays couldn't cough up the talent to afford a ticket to the dance and CC isn't as mental as AJ. He didn't come one win shy of 20 because he's been sitting around reading tarot cards.

3. Speaking of AJ, looks like Molina will be catching for him (we still love you Posada). He's clearly all about comfortability. If he's that mental, having finished strong might make the difference in his October success.

4. Ignoring all articles on A-Rod's coldtobers. Everything about this season points to a turnaround.

Rest up, boys. Get hungry.