
We Can Rally in the Rain and We Don't Need a Monkey to Prove It

It's miserable weather in New York. Not a problem. Whether Game 1 is delayed, post-poned or played on a floating stadium in the Hudson, we are ready. CC has goggles. A quick little rundown in honor of our first ALCS since 2004.

Things We Know (besides Twins, check!)

1. This is not ALCS Weather, but it is Yankee Weather (according to baseball's Al Roker, Jorge Posada).

2. We are playing Red, but not the Red we may have wanted. (foreshadowing much?)

3. CC pounds the strike zone.

4. This is a different A-Rod (we won't say we told you so, but we told you so #4)

Things We Don't Know

1. If we'll play tonight. At 7:57 pm.

2. If we'll play tomorrow. At all.

3. How the Angels lineup will match up with us in the post-season.

4. If the new and improved clutch Rod will show up with waterwings.

Things We Believe In

1. Rallying. And not the kind that is sponsored by a fake monkey*

2. Not so much our lineup, but our team chemistry.

3. Carsten Charles Sabathia.

4. Revenge for 2002 and 2005 (and emotionally, 2004).

*Baseball is a sport. Sports are about what you produce on the field. Rallying is what you do when you are down, but you are not out. It's about risk. It's about the swing, it's about the base-running, it's about bottom of the 9th inning runs. It's about the crowd going wild because you never said die. It's not about flair, towels or stuffed animals. You may have a rally monkey, Angels, but our middle name has been rally for the entire 2009 season. We walk off like it's our job. Put your monkeys away. They don't like the rain. This is New York.

This has been an official message from 2GirlsLeftonBase, Inc.

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