
Some Memorial Day Weekend Thoughts (We Can Ride a Bike with No Handlebars)

1) We are not a curse. Well, at least both of us aren't. We were at the streak ender Friday night, but HipHip was at yesterday's comeback (and got a ball!). Neither of us were there for todays extra inning loss (good effort boys) so we can't be blamed.

2) Johnny Damon having the Flowbots "No Handlebars" as his at-bat song of choice was simply amazing.

3) Friday night a girl sitting in front of us turned around to say that she had been laughing at our commentary all night and we sounded just like her and her best friend. Thanks, chica.

4) The Bleacher's Roll Call lead off guy does a hell of a job.

5) There should be bleacher boot camp. There are so many songs to learn and if you don't know the line up order, or miss a beat on anything, you fall behind and look stupid. They are not messing around.

6) There are a lot of Phillies fans at Yankee Stadium. We were seeing red. Literally and figuratively. We know Philly is close, but wow. We feel that in situations like these, fans need to be louder and have an even more commanding presence. Even when we're down. Because, as we saw yesterday and even today despite the loss, the Yankees are not taking being behind as their final answer.

7)We take back our happy thoughts about $ 6 beers. They are small. Sooooo, that adds up. No judging.

8)Melkman, is there a day you won't deliver? Don't think so. We like our Melk Clutch Percent please (we want that on a t-shirt, copyright 2girlsleftonbase)

9) The Phillies are good. Annoying, but good. Shutting down Lidge hit the spot.

10) Today's A's for effort's go out to Veras, Pena, Tex, Damon and Jeet. CC gets the award for dramatic flair while getting out of a jam. (So fiesty)

11) A-Rod seems to either be striking out or hitting home runs. Can we take the latter?

12) Dear Mets, Thanks. Sorry we couldn't match you in repaying the favor.

13) Dear Sawx, enjoy 1st while it lasts 'cause we're 1 game behind you and coming for it.

14) It's exciting to be a Yankees fan.

*UPDATE: holy texas. Apologies to A-Rod. Props to Hughes. Amendments to #11. It may be hot in Arlington but the breeze when passing Toronto feels excellent.

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