
We're JNTI A-Rod, but Please Continue Scoring

Not shocking, we're just not that into A-Rod. We don't know many who actually are. How many A-Rod shirts do you see on people that aren't nine year old boys? A $275 million price tag and he still hasn't brought us much luck in the post-season, or the off season for that matter. Then there's that whole situation that rhymes with goid. He says dumb things. Our security guard buddy at the Stadium told us he's not exactly sweet to the grounds crew. Surprising? Not really. Personal criticism aside (we could care less if he does Kabbalah or what stripper he's straddling in the Virgin Islands if he produces on the field, but please be nice to the YMCA guys, Alex), at times we've wondered if there really is a curse of "the cooler".

But, here's the thing: A-Rod is like that guy in your extended social group. You know, that guy: the flashy, quasi- obnoxious one with whom you'd pass on just about every activity, but when you're in the mood to get loose, he's the guy who will buy the group shots and get everyone pumped up. You don't like him, but when he's in the zone you're cheering. A-Rod bought the shots last night. He supplied the free keg and got the dugout ready to party. He was the one who finally, finally, fed CC an adequate meal. Plus, those frosted tips really are dead and gone. So, we're cheering. All politics aside, you couldn't have scripted a better comeback-moment for somebody. We don't have to be Co-Founders of the A-Rod fan club to appreciate that his first pitch back from tampa bay vacation was welded into a three-run-homer. First AB, first swing, see ya. Wondering if he was imagining the ball as Selena Roberts. It doesn't seem possible he'll ever make the 'drogas' talk disappear, but he certainly wasn't recoiling on his first game back from injury. Bottom line is we need RBI's no matter who they come from. If they are gonna come from A-Rod, we may not exactly gonna be chanting Go Alex, It's your birthday (however if he's still hitting like this on July 27th, we might), but we'll give credit where credit is due. We hope you enjoyed your three course meal last night CC, because your shutout was icing on our cake.

P.S- Cervelli: Impressive, Rook, impressive. You aren't too hard on the eyes either...


  1. you girls are fab! Bout time you came along to put some fun back into the love of the game. Whadya think of Yankee uniforms v. everybody else? Aren't they the BEST of them all?

  2. We love the classic pinstripes. Plus they are slimming for our boys with a little (a lot) extra meat on their bones, i.e CC and Joba. We much prefer them to the Road Grays, although still classy. Nothing like the look of dirt on our home uniform of Jeter after he's stolen a base

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